Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

PRODUK HERBAL Obat Alami Obat Herbal

Kapsul Super Spirulina

100% alami, kaya nutrisi, antioksidan dan zat aktif, mudah diserap dan digunakan untuk memulihkan kesehatan.

Efektif bersihkan berbagai penyakit antara lain: Asam urat, Diabetes, Kolesterol, Hipertensi, Liver, Asthma, Pegal-pegal, Nyeri otot, Mudah lelah, Kekebalan tubuh menurun, Kurang gairah, dll.
Baik untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui, Pertumbuhan dan kecerdasan anak, memperlambat proses penuaan, Mencegah pertumbuhan sel kanker dan tumor serta mempercepat penyembuhan segala penyakit dengan nutrisi lengkap.

Dianjurkan Bagi:
Penderita diabetes, anemia, infeksi virus, gangguan hati, luka, pangkreatitis, gangguan penglihatan, pencegahan kekurangan lekosit, keracunan logam berat, mengurangi berat badan dan penuaan.

Pencegahan :1x sehari @ 2 kapsul
Pengobatan : 3x sehari @ 2 kapsul

Sari Kurma Ruthab

Sari Kurma Mumtaz

Kapsul Obahama

Meningkatkan Immunitas dan meperbaiki sirkulasi Darah Dalam Tubuh.

Bentuk ekstrak dari Habbatussauda Habbasya, Mahkota dewa, Sambiloto, Sidagori. Merupakan Kombinasi 100% Herbal Alami tanpa kimia, Menjadikan OBAHAMA lebih mudah diserap oleh tubuh dan lebih terasa khasiatnya dalam proses penyembuhan penyakit.

Membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, Membantu mengurangi kadar asam urat yang tinggi dalam darah dan rasa nyeri pada persendian.

Dianjurkan Bagi:
Penderita asam urat tinggi, tekanan darah tinggi, dan gangguan sirkulasi darah, penderita reumatik asam urat, reumatik pengapran, nyeri sendi, radang sendi.

3x Sehari 1-2 kapsul

Rp. 45.000

Innolife Fish Oil For Mama

80% proses perkembangan otak manusia terjadi didalam kandungan maka EPA dan DHA sangat penting dalam masa kehamilan.
Berdasarkan RDI(Recommended Dietary Intakes) dosis yang dibutuhkan dalam sehari adalah 300mg. Innolife Fish Oil For Mama dengan komposisi 500mg natural fish oil yang mengandug DHA dan EPA dapat mencukupi kebutuhan bagi perkembangan otak janin/bayi terutama pada saat ibu hamil dan menyusui.

Sumber nutrisi untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui agar menunjang perkembangan optimal otak janin/bayi, Membantu ibu dalam proses menginginkan kehamilan biar tetap sehat, bugar, berat badan tetap normal.

Dianjurkan Bagi:
Ibu hamil, Ibu menyusui karena DHA paling baik disalurkan pada bayi melalui air susu.

Ibu hamil dan menyusui 1 kapsul sesudah makan.

Rp. 65.000

Teh Celup herbal (detoxifikasi)

Bila di minum rutin dapat mencegah berbagai penyakit, diantaranya. Sakit Kepala, Asam Urat, Rematik, Kolesterol, Otot Kaku, Sakit Gigi, Sariawan, Ambeien, Lemah syahwat, Sakit saat Haid, Kencing Manis, Darah Rendah dan Darah Tinggi, Darah Kotor dan Batu Ginjal, Jantung, Stroke, Tumor, Kanker, Hepatitis, Lever, Asma dan Maag
Rp. 40.000

Jamu Kencing Manis akar zaitun

Berkhasiat untuk Membantu Menurunkan Kadar Gula, Membantu Melancarkan Sirkulasi darah, membantu Menambah Gairah dan Stamina, Menghilangkan Gatal-Gatal di Tubuh Karena Alergi.
Rp. 35.000

Sabun Mandi Herbal

Sabun Herbal Terdiri dari Berbagai Macam

A. Sabun Mandi Herbal Sari Bangkoang
Berkahasiat Menghilangkan flek-flek diWajah, Memutihkan dan Mengencangkan Kulit, Mengangkat Kotoran dan sel-sel Kulit Mati.
B. Sabun Mandi Herbal Susu.
Berkhasiat untuk Meremajakan Kulit Wajah dan Anggota Badan, Memutihkan, Menghilangkan Jamur, Memberikan Nutrisi dan Vitamin Pada Kulit.
C. Sabun Mandi Herbal Mangir
Berkhasiat untuk Menjaga Keharuman dan Kelembutan Kulit.
D. Sabun Mandi Herbal Madu
Berkhasia untuk Menghilangkan Flek-flek di Wajah, Menghaluskan Kulit dan Mengencangkan Kulit
E. Sabun Mandi Herbal Zaitun
Berkhasiat untuk Mengangkat Kotoran dan Sel-Sel Kulit Mati, Melindungi dari Bakteri dan Mengencangkan Kulit
F. Sabun Mandi Herbal Habbatussauda
Berkhasiat untuk Menghilangkan Flek-Flek Hitam dan Kerut di Wajah, Menghilangkan Bau Badan dan Gatal-Gatal, Melindungi dari Bakteri dan melembutkan Kulit

A. Sabun Herbal Sari Bangkoang Rp. 5000
B. Sabun Herbal Susu Rp.5000
C. Sabun Herbal Mangir Rp. 5000
D. Sabun Herbal Madu Rp. 5000
E. Sabun Herbal Zaitun Rp. 5000
F. Sabun Herbal Habbatussauda Rp. 6000

Teh Rosella

Berkhasiat untuk Menurunkan Asam Urat, Hipertensi, Kadar Gula, Kolesterol, Sebagai Penetral Racun, Memperbaiki Metabolisme, Mencerdaskan Otak, Sebagai Pelangsing, Mencegah Kanker, Meredakan Batuk Kronis dan Menyehatkan Mata.

Tersedia dalam 2 Merk
Karkadeh Rp. 25.000
Rosella Rp. 20.000

Kapsul Gurah As-syifa (jamu)

Kapsul Gurah As-syifa Terdiri dari 2 Jenis

A. Kapsul Gurah As-syifa untuk Membersihkan Tenggorokan, untuk Mengeluarkan Lendir yang Kotor, Beracun dan Mengandung Berbagai Kuman Penyakit dalam Tubuh Sehingga Suara Menjadi Keras, Nyaring dan Panjang (baik untuk ahli pidato, penceramah, reporter, pembawa acara, guru, dll).
B. Kapsul Gurah As-syifa Kewanitaan. Kapsul ini Diramu Khusus untuk Mengatasi Masalah Kewanitaan, Menambah Kehangatan Hubungan Suami-Istri.
Kapsul Gurah Ini Merupakan Warisan Dari Leluhur Yang Terbuat dari Bahan-Bahan alami Pilihan dan Tanaman-Tanaman Berkhasiat Tanpa Campran Bahan Kimia Yang Membahayakan.

Kapsul Gurah As-syifa untuk Membersihkan Tenggorokan Rp. 35.000
Kapsul Gurah As-syifa Kewanitaan Rp. 35.000

Sari Kurma

Berkhasiat untuk Meningkatkan Trombosit, Mengatasi Demam Berdarah, Mencegah stroke, Sangat Baik Untuk Ibu Hamil dan Pasca Melahirkan, Mengatasi Rematik, Mencegah Tubuh Dari Bakteri dan Kanker, Membantu Pertumbuhan Tulang, Mengatasi Wasir, Mengobati Anemia dan Lesu, Memperlancar Saluran Kencing, Meningkatkan Vitalitas, Mencegah Kerabunan, Menstabilkan kejiwaan, Memperlambat penuaan Tubuh, Menyehatkan Kulit dan Cocok untuk Diet, Baik untuk Balita dan Anak.

Tersedia dalam 2 Merk
A. Sari Kurma Sahara Rp. 22.000
B. Sari Kurma Al-Jazira Rp. 22.000

Madu Untuk Anak

Berkhasiat Untuk Meningkatkan daya Tahan Tubuh, Meningkatkan Kecerdasan, pertumbuhan Otak, Menguatkan hapalan, Sebagai anti Biotik Alami, Mengobati Batuk Berdahak, Menghilangkan Kotoran Pada Usus, Meningkatkan Stamina dan Menambah Nafsu Makan
Tersedia dalam 4 Jenis
a. Jelly Madu for Kids Rp. 17.000
b.Habbafit Madu dan Zaitun Rp. 15.000
c. Madu Smart Kids Rp. 15.000
d. Madu Anak Sehat Plus Rp. 20.000

Arabia Madu Murni100%

Madu Khusus Untuk Anak dan Balita
Berkhasiat Untuk Mempercepat Pertumbuhan IQ, Meningkatkan Stamina, Menambah Nafsu Makan, Meningkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh, Mempercepat Anak bisa Berjalan dan Kreativitas Anak
Tersedia dalam Beberapa Jenis dan Ukuran
Madu Balita A Rp. 105.000
Madu Balita C Rp. 65.000
Madu Balita D Rp. 35.000

Madu Super A Rp. 105.000
Madu Super C Rp. 65.000
Madu Super D Rp. 35.000

Tabkir kapsul (ramuan khusus untuk wanita)

Tabkir adalah Solusi mujarab kesehatan wanita. Tabkir adalah ramuan khusus dan Spesialis untuk Gurah Vagina

Tabkir Ramuan untuk Kewanitaan Rp.20.000

Minyak Habbatusauda

Khasiat: Mengatasi rematik, asam urat, radang tenggorokan, sendi, migraen, exim dan alergi.
Mengobati gangguan jantung, ginjal, liver, kencing manis, TBC, paru-paru kronis, sesak nafas, asthma, wasir, insomnia dan stroke.
Menormalkan Kolesterol, darah tinggi dan anemia
Membantu mengobati kanker, Meningkatkan Asi, daya tahan tubuh dan imunitas
Meningkatkan Stamina dan daya tahan tubuh, Meningkatkan kecerdasan, Membantu dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak, menguatkan tulang dan gigi

Minyak Kapsul Habbatusauda Musyaffa 60kaps Rp. 35.000
Minyak Kapsul Habbatusauda Innolife 50 kaps Rp. 45.000

Produk Royal

A. Royal Fit Berkhasiat : Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, Memperlancar Peredaran darah, Memperbaiki saluran pencernaan Menetralisir Racun (anti toxin), mencegah Radang (anti inflamasi) Juga Meningkatkan Stamina dan Vitalitas

B. Royal Gurah Berkhasiat: Penurun dahak, Sinusitas, Bronkhitis, TBC, Paru-Paru,Batuk, Pilek, Asthma.

C. Uratic Royal Berkhasiat: Mengobati Penyakit Asam Urat, Nyeri sendi reumatik

Royal Fit Rp.50.000
Royal Gurah Rp.30.000
Uratic Royal Rp.40.000

Kapsul Gurah Musyaffa

Berkhasiat: Membuat Suara Jadi Keras, Nyaring, dan Panjang, Membuat Suara Menjadi Merdu, Bersih, Halus, dan Empuk.
Menambah Volume Paru-paru, Mengatasi TBC, Asthma, Sesak Nafas, Paru-paru, Pusing, Stress, Sakit kepala, Migraen, Flu, Pilek, Alergi Debu, Sinusitis, Batuk Berkepanjangan, Amandel, Darah Tinggi, Lambung, Gangguan Saluran Pencernaan, Pelarut nikotin Pada Rokok.

Rp. 30.000

Jamu Herbal Sekar Malam

Jamu ini dapat merapatkan rahasia wanita dan menjadikan kenikmatan bagi suami, mengencangkan otot-otot yang kendur, mengobati keputihan, pendarahan dan sekaligus mengharumkanbagian kewanitaan

Jamu Herbal Sekar Malam Rp.165.000

Madu 3 in 1

Madu ini adalah Madu dengan Multi Manfaat. Secara keseluruhan untuk memelihara Kesehatan

Madu 3 in 1 Muwallad kecil Rp.18.000
Madu 3 in 1 Muwallad Besar Rp.61.000
Madu 3 in 1 Muntaz Kecil Rp.25.000
Madu 3 in 1 Mantaz Besar Rp.40.000

Minuman Jahe Merah Instan

Pada umumnya Khasiat Minuman Jahe Instan Sama, yaitu:
Mengobati asam urat, Rematik, Sakit Pinggang, Astma, Memperbaiki Pencernaan, Meningkatkan Aktivitas sex, Migraen, Meredakan Batuk dan Flu.

Jahe Merah Zella Rp. 12.000
Jahe Merah Barokah Rp. 15.000
Jahe Merah Hidayah Rp. 15.000

Obat Mata dan Telinga

Khasiat OTEM: Hanya untuk Memelihara Kesehatan
Khasiat THM: meredakan Peradangan mata, Menyehatkan dan Menormalkan Mata(-) dan(+), Menerangkan Penglihatan, Membersihkan Selaput Mata, Mengatasi hidung tersumbat, Oilek dan Mengatasi gangguan Telinga.
Khasiat Sawaan: mengatasi Segala gangguan Jin/Ain

OTEM Rp.25.000
THM Rp.15.000
Sawaan Rp18.000

PiCi Kapsul

Memelihara kesehatan
, Mencegah dan Mengobati Penyakit

Pc Kecil Rp.35.000
Pc Besar Rp.65.000

Madu Murni Asy-syifa'u

Madu Murni
Asy-syifaa'u Bekhasiat: untuk Menjaga Kesehatan, Meningkatkan Stamina dan Mengobati Penyakit

Madu Murni Super as-syifa'u 0,5 kg Rp.28.000
Madu Murni Super as-syifa'u 1 kg Rp.50.000

Balanuss Herbal

Khasiat: Mencegah dan Mengobati Wasir, Sembelit, Radang tenggorokan dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka dari dalam.

Balanus Obat Wasir Rp.30.000

Bedak Zulu

Bedak Zulu adalah bedak penemuan terbaru dalam dunia kecantikan, Bedak ini sangat Unik. Fungsinya tidak terbatas pada Kecantikan saja. Bedak ini bisa dipakai sebagai suplemen Kulit, Bisa juga dipakai untuk Lulur maupun Masker, dan juga sebagai bedak penghilang Bau badan sarta pemutih Gigi.

Bedak Natural Zulu Rp.25.000

Kapsul Habbatussauda Basmallah Food

Khasiat: Memperkuat sistem Kekebalan Tubuh, membuang racun, mengurangi alergi, memperbaiki sistem pencernaan, menurunkan kadar gula, meremajakan sel-sel tubuh, menormalkan tekanan darah, menyembuhkan rematik dan liver, menyeimbangkan hormon.

Rp. 20.000

Jahe Ginseng Instan

Adalah minuman tradisional dengan aroma dan rasa khas jahe indonesia yang hangat dan segar.

Terbuat dari gula, jahe pilihan, gingseng, tanpa menggunakan pemanis buatan, bahan pewarna, bahan pengawet, maupun bahan kimia.
Jahe ginseng Zym Lebih nikmat diminum pada suhu udara dingin dan cocok dicampur dengan susu, krimer dan kopi

Rp. 20.000/Pak

Serbuk Hitam habbatusauda Syuniz

Khasiat: Menambah Energi Pria, untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui, Menormalkan tekanan darah dan mencegah pikun, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, mengatasi berbagai masalah pencernaan, mengobati kolesterol, asam urat dan diabetes

Rp: 18.000

Ma'jun Masna, Jamu Untuk Pria

Berkhasiat: Meningkatkan Stamina Dan Vitalitas Pria Serta Menambah Darah, Membentuk Anti Bodi, Menaikan Trombosit, Melancarkan Peredaran Darah Dan Regenerasi Sel, Sangat Baik Untuk Pekerja Berat Dan Olah ragawan.

Rp. 120.000

Madu Arab Murni Khusus Kejantanan

Berkhasiat Mengatasi Lemah Syahwat, Mudah Lelah, Stress, Gangguan Jantung, Perokok Berat, Susah Tidur, Darah Rendah
Tersedia 4 Ukuran
A. Rp. 200.000
B. Rp. 150.000
C. Rp. 80.000
D. Rp. 35.000

Habatussauda cap Kurma Ajwa

Habbatussauda Cap "Kurma Ajwa" terbuat dari 100% habbatussauda jenis habbasya yang tidak diragukan lagi akan kualitas dan khasiatnya, hasil produksi lebih hitam, berminyak dan halus menjadikan habbatussauda Cap"kurma ajwa" lebih mudah diserap oleh tubuh dan lebih terasa khasiatnya dalam proses penyembuhan penyakit.

berkhasiat Meningkatkan Stamina, Melancarkan Peredaran Darah, Meningkatkan Produksi ASI, Memperbaiki Sistem Pencernaan, Mengobati Gangguan Lambung, Menyembuhkan Rematik dan Impotensi.

Tersedia 3 Ukuran
A. Habbatussauda Kurma Ajwa 100 kapsul Rp. 20.000
B. Habbatussauda Kurma Ajwa 120 kapsul Rp. 25.000
C. Habbatussauda Kurma Ajwa 210 kapsul Rp. 40.000

Kapsul Herbal Ratu Langsing

Ratu Langsing adalah Formula Pelangsing Tercepat dan Aman

Berkhasiat Membersihkan Lemak dan Racun dalam Lambung dan Usus
Mengurangi Gelembir Pada Perut (cocok untuk ibu-ibu yang habis melahirkan)
Tidak Berbahaya bagi Jantung, Bisa juga di Konsumsi Pria, Terutama Pria Yang telah Menikah yang Pada Umumnya Perutnya Buncit, Menurunkan Kolesterol dan Asam Urat.

Rp. 50.000

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Traditional Herbalism and Natural Medicine

Herbal Medicine From The Heart of the Earth is broad enough in scope that it contains within it material enough for three books; One is an introduction to herbal medicine making and materia medica, a second on the art of herbal formulation and dosing, and finally, a review of adverse effects and drug-herb interactions. The book contains the standard fare for introductory herbal texts: A glossary of herbal terminology, a dictionary of herbal preparations, herbal actions with examples, a materia medica section, tables for pharmacy; tincture making, dosing, and treatment by disease condition. But it also contains some very useful tables that I've hardly seen in print in modern books. A dose-and-duration chart shows how many days your tincture prescription will last, combining in the table, drops per dose, times per day, and the number of ounces given to the patient. Another shows how many teaspoons are present, on average, in an ounce of roots, barks, seeds, leaves, and flowers. Charts and tables are also offer ed for harvesting time, best forms to tincture, and, the best percentage of alcohol to extract the medicinal properties of the herbs.

A significant offering in this book is found in the discussions of herbal side effects and potential drug-herb interactions. The past year has seen a flurry of books on these topics, but unfortunately not one of them has been written by a traditional herbalist with knowledge of the clinical traditions of herbalism. In Herbal Medicine, we find the best review of this topic in print, superior to other current texts in that it contains a thorough review of the scientific literature on side effects and drug-herb interactions, while also reviewing traditional indications, contraindications, and side effects.

Another unique offering is the extensive section on herbal formulas. Dr. Tilgner has been generous with her section on formulas, giving us a lesson in formulation. Rather than giving a hard-and-fast formula, she lists potential herbs for a formula, giving percentage ranges that might be used for each, and a rationale for each herb, often with footnotes. In other words, she invites the reader to make and modify the formulas according to their own needs or those of their patients. Dosage charts accompanying the formulas also offer ranges, and are a welcome relief from the common simple listing of "the dose" in most books. This rich storehouse of suggestions for formulas stand in contrast to the practice of most herbal authors to talk exclusively about single herbs.

Dr. Tilgner is one of a small group of individuals in North America who combines in her experience the training of both the traditional herbalist and the natural physician. Thus, this book offers a combination of herbal and medical information unique in contemporary herbal literature. I hope it also serves to preserve the traditional knowledge presented in this new era when the foundations of traditional herbalism are being eroded by the dominant paradigm in medicine.

Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth

by Sharol Tilgner, ND

Wise Woman Herbals, P.O. Box 279, Creswell, Oregon 97426 USA; 541-895-5172; 800-532-5219

1999, softback, 384 pp.

COPYRIGHT 2001 The Townsend Letter Group
COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning

Breast Enlargement Herbal Alternative Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Popular breast enlargement herbal formulas such as La Femme, does not contain estrogen or other hormones, both necessary for breast enlargement. Wild Yam has been promoted as an herbal alternative to estrogen replacement therapy, premenstrual syndrome and breast enlargement. Ultra-Enhance Plus contains herbal compounds that bind to the estrogen receptors in the mammary glands triggering mammogenesis (breast enlargement). Discover if breast enlargement pills can increase your bust size, or if herbal breast enhancement is the right alternative to cosmetic surgery.

We review herbal supplements which will allow you to achieve breast enlargement naturally without costly surgery. Those are the primary ingredients you will find in most herbal breast enlargement pills on the market today. FULFILLMENT has the premier herbal products on the market today for breast enlargement. Natural enhancement enlargement guide Natural breast enhancement : herbal breast enlargement augmentation implant enhancer guide. Natural breast enhancement : herbal breast enlargement enhancer pill guide... ginseng Look for herbal breast enlargement guarana extract herbal body wrap. Vitamin C actually helps to further absorption and utilization of natural breast enlargement preparations (of an herbal nature).

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Quickbust herbal breast enlargement pill is a potent herbal blend of 13 clinically proven ingredients which are all FDA approved. What's breast enlargement herbal is required for essiac cancer cure herbal medicine. And it is risk-free for you to try Quickbust's herbal breast enlargement pill since it comes with a 90 day, 100% money back guarantee. The use of herbal compound in creams and lotions for breast enlargement is not a recent phenomena. The best thing about herpes herbal treatment by breast enhancement herbal supplement is the same as breast enlargement herbal.

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Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair ,keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.
- Women with developing cyst at the ovary, breast, and uterus.
- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.
- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.


Herbal Education at Natural Health Schools

Find Herbal Education in the United States and Canada. Many natural health schools have integrated herbal education into standard curriculums and coursework. Students seeking an internship or practical training in natural medicine will find that an herbal education provides necessary skills and knowledge to become certified herbalists, herbal consultants, Chinese herbal medicine practitioners, and even naturopaths.

Herbal education is comprised of in-depth studies in the practice and art of clinical herbalism. In most herbal education programs, students are taught the roots of herbalism, including classes in therapeutic herbal medicine, medicine making and lab work, anatomy and physiology, herbal formulations, plant identification (botany) and growing of herbs, diet and nutrition, aromatherapy, plant chemistry, and other related subjects of study.

Typically, students who have successfully completed an herbal education will know how to identify, harvest and manufacture herbal medicine from medicinal plants. In addition, an herbal education will have trained students in how to effectively use herbal medicine as a treatment for common ailments, illnesses and other health conditions.

Depending on which natural health school in which you choose to enroll, an herbal education curriculum is often incorporated in naturopathic and Oriental medicine studies. In these courses, students are frequently introduced to natural herbal medicine and aspects pertaining to both Eastern and Western medicine.

A number of herbal education programs will commonly result in certification in the respective course of study; however, some natural health schools do offer herbal education that may result in a degree in herbal sciences.

As the consumer demand for natural healthcare and alternative medicine continues to grow, students who achieve an herbal education can feel confident that this coursework is not only beneficial to personal enrichment, but to professional growth as well.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding herbal education, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Herbal Education at Natural Health Schools
© Copyright 2007
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

History of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine, sometimes referred to as botanical medicine or herbalism, involves the use of plants, or parts of plants, to treat injuries or illnesses. This field also covers the use of herbs or botanicals to improve overall health and wellness. Herbalist, herbal medicine practitioners, traditional medicine practitioners, and Ayurvedic, homeopathic, and naturopathic healers all use herbal remedies in their practices.

Seeds, leaves, stems, bark, roots, flowers, and extracts of all of these have been used in herbal medicine over the millennia of their use. These supplemental treatments have been delivered raw, in teas and tinctures, as topical applications, in liquid forms, and in pills and capsules. In the beginning the plants were consumed raw or combined with hot water as a soup or tea. Later, the plants were dried and crushed for other uses. The plants were found in the wild and uses were often based on superstitious or visual cues. Plants were often used to treat body systems because they were shaped like that body part or because they grew in a particular area. As science began to take a closer look at herbal remedies, their use became more refined. Herbs, and other plants, are actually the precursors to many of today’s medicinal drugs. Some of the pharmaceutical medications on the market are extracts of some of these traditional herbs.

Today, many modern, and Western, medicine practitioners are beginning to look at herbal remedies for some common, and not-so common, disorders. The lower cost, and often safer use, has attracted many medical professionals. Some physicians use herbs to off-set the side effects of pharmaceuticals.
Timeline of Herbal Medicine

No one knows, for sure, when humans began using herbs for medicinal purposes. The first written record of herbal medicine use showed up in 2800 B.C. in China. Since then the use of herbs has gained, and fallen out of, favor many times in the medical field. The timeline that follows shows some of the key dates and major points in the history of herbal medicine.

2800 B.C.- The first written record of herbal medicine use showed up. (Titled the Pen Ts'ao by Shen Nung)

400 B.C.- The Greeks joined the herbal medicine game. Hippocrates stressed the ideas that diet, exercise and overall happiness formed the foundation of wellness.

50 A.D.- The Roman Empire spread herbal medicine around the Empire, and with it the commerce of cultivating herbs.

200 A.D.- The first classification system that paired common illnesses with their herbal remedy appeared. This was prepared by the herbal practitioner Galen.

800 A.D.- Monks took over the herbal field with herbal gardens at most monasteries and infirmaries for the sick and injured.

1100 A.D.- The Arab world became a center of medicinal influence. Physician Avicenna wrote the Canon of Medicine, which gave mention to herbal medicines.

1200 A.D.- Black Death spread across Europe and herbal medicines were used along side “modern” methods such as bleeding, purging, arsenic and mercury with equal, or better, results.

1500 A.D.- Herbal medicine and herbalists were promoted and supported by Henry VII and the Parliament, due to the large number of untrained apothecaries giving substandard care.

1600 A.D.- Herbs were used in treating the poor, while extracts of plant, minerals, and animals (the “drugs”), were used for the rich. The English Physician, an herbal explaining the practice of herbal medicine, was written during this time.

1700 A.D.- Herbal medicine got another high profile endorsement from Preacher Charles Wesley. He advocated for sensible eating, good hygiene and herbal treatments for healthy living.

1800 A.D.- Pharmaceuticals began to hit the scene and herbal treatments took a back seat. As side effects from the drugs began to be documented, herbal remedies came into favor again. The National Association of Medical Herbalists was formed, and later renamed the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH.)

1900 A.D.- lack of availability of drugs during World War I increased the use of herbal medicines again. After the war pharmaceutical production increased and penicillin was discovered. Herbal practitioners had their rights to dispense their medications taken away and then reinstated. The British Herbal Medicine Association was founded and produced the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. People began to express the concern over the large number of side effects and environmental impact of the drugs of the 1950s.

2000 A.D.- EU took action on regulation and testing of herbal medicines similar to those used for pharmaceuticals.

Herbal medicines have been documented for almost 4000 years. These medicines have survived real world testing and thousands of years of human testing. Some medicines have been discontinued due to their toxicity, while others have been modified or combined with additional herbs to offset side effects. Many herbs have undergone changes in their uses. Studies conducted on the herbs and their effects keep changing their potential uses.
Herbal Medicine Today

Herbal medicines are still in use today. In some respects they have gained a new momentum in the medical field. As many people seek alternative treatments and begin to check out traditional, and Eastern, medicine, herbs are becoming more popular. As physicians seek new treatments for many common illnesses they are beginning to revisit the traditional remedies, using herbal medicines.

Pharmaceutical medications, with their potential for harmful side effects and addiction, are becoming less popular. People are seeking alternatives to the modern medical interventions. Improving, and maintaining, health naturally is a very popular approach to overall wellness.

The herbs used today are generally cultivated for those purposes. Very few herbs are harvested from the wild, with the exception of a few still found in the rainforests and higher elevations. The cultivation of herbs for medicinal uses is a large field and more people are beginning to plant their own herb gardens. Many monasteries continue to grow large herbal gardens within their walls.

Elderly people also metabolize medications differently, and generally are on more medications, and therefore must also exercise caution when trying new herbal treatments. Underlying ailments that may affect the body’s ability to process or absorb medications are also an issue.

Herbal medicine has enjoyed a long, and colorful, history. From the early Chinese Empires to modern physicians’ offices, herbal medicines have continued to be a part of the medical field. Herbal treatments have matured throughout history, along with the methods of delivering them. In the beginning, the herbs were used in a hit or miss method and required major events to change their use. Research and clinical trials have helped to shape the field of medicine, and the future for herbal medicine looks bright.